How adaptable are your plans?

Hey Reader

A lot of life is about being able to adapt. Even the best-laid plans rarely happen as you intend them to, and it's no different with nutrition and health.

Sometimes it's something simple like going to make dinner and discovering you don't have the right type of pasta. No biggie; use something else that you think will work. But sometimes, it's that childcare arrangements fall through and you can't get to the gym, or your oven breaks and you have to spend a week without it... or, in my case, you get out of your husband's van and somehow pull a hamstring.

Yes, I kicked off last weekend by pulling a hamstring, and that meant I had to throw out "the plan". I couldn't train as planned, which meant I couldn't eat as planned (I burnt significantly fewer calories) and I could have let it derail me. But I chose to adapt.

I switched up my workout plan to something that was risk-free, I made some simple swaps from complex carbs to non-starchy veg, and I made great use of the extra time in my week.

As you know, long-term success for your nutrition and health means it needs to be sustainable. You need to build a lifestyle, not a time-limited plan. And that means it's okay to be derailed once in a while. If you have built solid foundations and your healthy habits run on autopilot, the odd week can happen without the need to feel guilty, under pressure or like there's no point in trying.

So if you've had a week with some hiccups too, that's okay. Next week, we'll both be back on track.

And if you're having more weeks with hiccups than you'd like to admit, it's time to revisit those fundamental habits and adjust them to work for you. If you're struggling to nail down what works for you, hit reply and let me know.
​Moments to Savour

  • Something I loved: Watching Alone USA. Massively late to the party, but we are currently binge-watching the 100-day Arctic challenge!
  • Something I learnt: I finished a qualification in Sports Nutrition to Fuel Performance to help me support sportswomen in disciplines I haven't participated in myself.
  • Something I ate: A LOT of pineapple. I recently got over a bout of COVID and my body has been craving pineapple to replenish my vitamin C.

Have an amazing week!


Nutrition & Health Coach

PS Early sign-up for Food Labelling Deciphered will be opening very soon. I will share the link in my next newsletter so keep an eye on your inbox Tuesday 3rd October!

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Zoey M. Hughes

Nutrition & Health Coach | Athlete, Mum & Entrepreneur 🌿 I am passionate about being the best I can be and helping you to do the same. I coach high-performing women through nutrition and lifestyle change so they can be at their best, all day, every day.

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