How to get motivated again

Hey Reader

It's hard to believe we are already 9 days into 2024! I hope you all had a tremendous Christmas and New Year, although I'm sure it feels a long time ago now as you are no doubt stuck in at work, knee-deep in new and old routines, and trying to make the best of your resolutions now real life has fully resumed.

“I had all these great new plans for the year, but eating healthy and exercising can feel so overwhelming.”

Sound familiar?

If you’re struggling to gain or keep momentum for your new habits, here’s a gentle, effective way to get you moving in the right direction.

It’s called the 5-minute action.

There’s nothing special about 5 minutes. It could be 10 seconds, 1 minute, or 10 minutes.

The point is:

  • It’s an action—something you do.
  • That action is very small, something that feels easy and simple.
  • It moves you in the direction you want to go.
  • It's an easy win—which gives you the confidence boost to do more good for yourself.

How to do it

Pick an action that might have a positive impact on health and well-being right now.

Some examples:

  • Cut up some carrots for a later snack.
  • Do five minutes of stretching.
  • Slowly enjoy a mug of tea with no background noise, just your thoughts.

You can also get a little more strategic, and pick an action—maybe even one to commit to daily—to support a larger goal.

For example, maybe your ultimate goal is to get back into the habit of eating mostly home-cooked meals.

Take ONE small action in support of your bigger, future goal.

That might mean making a grocery list, looking up some recipes, or chopping up a few vegetables.

It can be tough to get motivated, but here’s a secret: It’s action that drives motivation, not the other way around.

When you do a small thing to improve your circumstances, this inspires you to do more things.

Now you’re no longer “waiting to get motivated.” You’re creating your own motivation.

I have been using 5-minute actions for many years, and this year, I am using it to finally sort out my home decor and decluttering to reduce any element of environmental stress. I have been chipping away at this for years, but this year, I am adamantly prioritising it as I am well aware of the minor yet persistent cost to my well-being and is actually a finite task.

Moments to Savour

  • Something I loved: A quote from a functional medicine conference I attended, "I don't envy kids today. All those choices... you go the supermarket and get all those choices. You buy them, take them home, throw them away, or you should. Because their purpose is to be bought, not to be eaten." Are the foods you're buying for nutrition or someone else's profit?
  • Something I learnt: That we can't absorb glutathione in its final form as effectively as its precursors. Those looking to slow down the clock on aging should explore NAC rather than glutathione itself to get the best bang for your buck. I take NAC daily and have my husband on it too.
  • Something I ate: Golden kiwis aplenty! Milder and smoother than a regular kiwi and filled to the brim with vitamin C, they are the perfect snack-size indulgence after dinner. They are rich in polyphenols and have even been shown to improve sleep quality so dive in in the evenings to maximise the benefits.

Have a wonderful week,


Nutrition & Health Coach

PS I have one space left for 1-on-1 coaching this month, so hit reply and let me know if you want to grab it.

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Zoey M. Hughes

Nutrition & Health Coach | Athlete, Mum & Entrepreneur 🌿 I am passionate about being the best I can be and helping you to do the same. I coach high-performing women through nutrition and lifestyle change so they can be at their best, all day, every day.

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