Just say no to fad diets...

Hey Reader

As I'm writing this, you are likely gearing up for the holiday season and planning for how you will get back on track in the aftermath. You can (and absolutely should!) let loose and enjoy some delicious foods and drinks while you add a bit more wiggle room to your sleep and workout routines, but what you do in the new year can set you up for a year of success or repeated frustration.

This is my public service announcement to warn you away from fad diets and extreme exercise in the new year to combat those Christmas calories!

Many people are already planning their diet for 2024 - what will you eat, not eat, which diet will lead to quickest results? The truth is that all successful, long-term diets have one thing in common - they involve real, whole foods.

Whether you are considering going keto, vegan, Mediterranean, Dash, carnivore... none of these is a secret magic bullet and any one of them will work if you follow these principles:

  1. Prioritise real food: Say goodbye to ultra-processed options that are advertised as appropriate for the diet you are considering. They will almost always be less satisfying and low in nutrients.
  2. Vary your food choices: In a world of far too many options, it can be tempting to cycle around a very small variety of foods. Yes, it will save you brainpower, but it will also greatly increase the risk of nutrient deficiencies and a depleted gut microbiome.
  3. Check supplement and health needs: If you are considering a diet that limits a food group, such as veganism or keto, make sure you are appropriately supplementing to fill in any nutritional deficits. Additionally, if you have additional health or performance concerns, check with your doctor and/or coach to make sure you aren't doing any damage.

I've eaten a variety of diets over my lifetime, but the one thing that has worked for me consistently is eating seasonal whole foods and staying active. Choosing a diet that you can stick to almost all of the time and doesn't negatively impact your health can help you power through those first few months of next year and embed healthy habits.

Moments to Savour

  • Something I loved: Putting the finishing touches on Christmas preparations! We are ready to go and my 9-year-old's enthusiasm is infectious.
  • Something I learnt: There are 6 types of stress; physical, emotional, mental, social, environmental, and existential. Something beneficial to one aspect may be negative to another. For example, sleeping with a partner lowers physical recovery (you sleep worse!), but reduces social and emotional stress, more than offsetting the difference.
  • Something I ate: Liver with plenty of mustard, new potatoes and cabbage! It may be "old fashioned", but liver is an extremely budget-friendly powerhouse. Fry in good fats at high heat to get a good bark on it and serve with new potatoes and your favourite veg. It is so nutrient-dense that most people should only eat it once a week!

This is the last newsletter till 2024 so have an incredible Christmas and New Year!

Relax, enjoy, and make some memories!


Nutrition & Health Coach

PS I have a couple of spaces opening up for 1-on-1 coaching in January so hit reply and let me know if you want to explore this opportunity.

Garden Avenue, Portstewart, BT55 7AW
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Zoey M. Hughes

Nutrition & Health Coach | Athlete, Mum & Entrepreneur 🌿 I am passionate about being the best I can be and helping you to do the same. I coach high-performing women through nutrition and lifestyle change so they can be at their best, all day, every day.

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