Spain: The perfect excuse to break the routines...

Hey Reader

I'm feeling excited as I write this email, as I will shortly be visiting Barcelona for 4 days to unwind, take in the sights, and enjoy my 10th wedding anniversary celebrations. In a world where we can track everything, it can be easy to forget that it's important to disconnect and just be present. And this includes food and exercise too.

While it can feel a little terrifying to let go if you are used to being in the gym 6 days a week and tracking your macros, the occasional break can be just what's needed, both physically and mentally.

Optimising your habits and routines is a great way to improve your health and efficiency whilst you're at home, but a total reset (when intentional!) has some substantial benefits too. Studies show that after two to three days of vacation, participants averaged an hour more of good-quality sleep and experienced an 80% improvement in their reaction times. Vacations can reduce stress, increase serotonin, and, if you are travelling with a loved one, help to foster those all-important relationships.

Our bodies and our minds thrive on routine, and I'm a big fan of building systems that make your daily habits work on autopilot, but often, removing ourselves from that framework temporarily in a conscious way can revitalise us and help us to see where our routines could be improved. I relish the opportunity to step back, enjoy, and improve the day-to-day on my return. If you've got a short break coming up, I encourage you to do the same. Think about what you enjoy without the constraints of routine, and see how you can incorporate more elements like this when you return.

​Moments to Savour

Have an amazing week!


Nutrition & Health Coach

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Zoey M. Hughes

Nutrition & Health Coach | Athlete, Mum & Entrepreneur 🌿 I am passionate about being the best I can be and helping you to do the same. I coach high-performing women through nutrition and lifestyle change so they can be at their best, all day, every day.

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