What your sleep is really missing

Hey Reader

Let's talk about sleep. It's as natural as breathing and we all need to do it, yet so many of those struggle with it and experience hugely detrimental effects in our lives. As high performers, we juggle multiple responsibilities and demands, with little time for rest, yet research shows that quality sleep can significantly enhance our performance in all areas of life.

We have all heard that we should get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but for many, this is a pipedream. And for those of us with loftier goals than just "getting through the day", 8-9 hours is a better target, as it gives our bodies enough time to repair and replenish, physically and mentally.

I've struggled with sleep on and off my whole life, and even now, with an optimised lifestyle, I sometimes find it challenging to get enough of the restorative deep sleep stage.

Deep sleep doesn't get as much press space as REM, but don't let that fool you. It is when 5 key processes take place:

  • Physical Restoration: Your body repairs and regenerates tissues, including muscles, bones, and cells. It promotes growth and strengthens the immune system, helping to fight off infections and illnesses.
  • Memory Consolidation: Your brain processes and stores information gathered throughout the day, enhancing memory retention and cognitive function.
  • Hormone Regulation: Your body regulates the release of important hormones, such as growth hormone and cortisol.
  • Emotional Processing: Your brain processes and integrates emotions, leading to improved emotional resilience and stability.
  • Energy Conservation: Your body conserves energy by slowing down metabolic activity and reducing heart rate and blood pressure. This helps to replenish energy stores for the day ahead.

If any one of these elements goes awry, your performance in the day ahead is going to be heavily impacted. If you are an athlete, deep sleep is when your muscles heal and grow. Even if you aren't, it is when your cognitive abilities expand, removing roadblocks and setting you up for a better day.

Deep sleep isn't quick to get into and if you are frequently napping or waking, it is going to be the first to suffer. If, like me, you struggle to get enough deep sleep, even if you get a solid 8-9 hours of sleep total, it is worth experimenting and seeing how elements pre and during your sleep time can affect your sleep quality. Personally, I find keeping myself a little warmer at night helps to drive the deep sleep numbers up. Extra layers, warm baths, or even evening saunas have all been proven to help.
​Moments to Savour

If you struggle with deep sleep or sleep in general, hit reply and let me know; we can come up with some ideas together.

Have an amazing week!


Nutrition & Health Coach

PS Reminder that my video series to help you utilise convenience foods without sacrificing health is now available to preorder. Add yourself to the waiting list for Food Labelling Deciphered or pre-order for a 33% discount!​

PPS Happy Halloween! In our house, that means a picnic dinner on the lounge floor while we watch a movie. This year, my son is in for a treat - The Mummy!

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Zoey M. Hughes

Nutrition & Health Coach | Athlete, Mum & Entrepreneur 🌿 I am passionate about being the best I can be and helping you to do the same. I coach high-performing women through nutrition and lifestyle change so they can be at their best, all day, every day.

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